Donate Monthly

Our main goal is to fund the expansion of our facilities to better serve our student athletes.

Donate One Time

Monthly donations help athletes and staff receive the best in training & leadership coaching.

One Time Donation

Help fund our expansion

Our current facility has reached it’s maximum capacity in the number of youth athletes we can accommodate while maintaining the quality of our programs. This expansion not only allows us to offer an array of exciting new classes but also provides us with the opportunity to bring on additional skilled coaches who posses the same passion about serving the youth athletes in our community.

Your donations benefit wonderful student athletes

Our athletics program helps build leadership skills by teaching athletes how to speak up for themselves to develop assertive speaking skills.


State of the art equipment and game equipment are all essential parts of the athletics programs. Students deserve to have incredible equipment to use.


With scholarships, public speaking, and community contributes, we are nurturing their minds and body to have a greater impact in the people they encounter.


Each our experienced coaches is trained in how to help student athletes gradually increase their capacity to build strong agile bodies and minds.

Academic Support


When you choose to donate, you are helping a student gain access to essential encouragement, training, and academic resources to reach their highest potential. Our students directly benefit from each class they attend.